Archive September 25, 2020

Cleaning Hacks for Pet Lovers

How to Ensure Pet Cleanliness

As much as owning a pet is awesome, it comes with some responsibilities. Cleanliness is essential because pets can get messy. If left unchecked, the pet fur and dirt they carry can invade your home, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. However, this does not need to be the case. Here are a few pet cleaning tips that will help. Use detergents and shampoos that are safe to use with pets.

cat in a litter box

Brush Pets

Hair is one of the most recurring cleaning issues revolving around pets. Some pets shed more hair than usual. Brushing the pet’s fur is advisable. Consult on the right tools to use in brushing pets. In addition to ensuring your home is clean from fur, brushing has added advantages. It has some health benefits.


Clean the Pet After a Walk

After taking your pet for a walk, they may have stepped on mud or other kinds of dirt. Especially dogs that tend to step on muddy pools. It is good to be prepared with a clean towel and some water at the door. Clean the paws and wipe them. It will prevent dirt from entering your home through your pet. It prevents constipation.


Have a Lint Roller

Lint rollers can trap hair left lying around by your pets. After a vacuum of the surfaces that have hair on them, use a lint roller to trap any remaining hair on those surfaces. Also, it can clean pet beds.


Use Baking Soda to Wash Pet Beddings

Baking soda is known to eliminate persistent odors. Using it to clean the beddings together with detergent will help do away with any smells while ensuring a good and clean environment for you and your pet.


Clean Pet Toys and Collars

These are often overlooked. They may get dirty and smelly with time making you and your pet uncomfortable. It is advisable to wash with pet shampoos which leave a good fragrance on them. Also, a dishwasher can be used to clean the toys.


Urine in the carpet!

This is almost every pet owner’s nightmare. This can leave a stench on your carpet that will make your home uncomfortable. White Vinegar and baking sodas are easy solutions. They do away with any foul odors. Spray on the stained area and let the vinegar do its job. A professional cleaner such as a carpet cleaning service in Frisco, TX, might be your best option for permanently remove odors caused by pets.


Clean the Litter Box

Litter boxes should be emptied and cleaned often to avoid foul smells and maintain a conducive environment for your pet. It is advisable to change it after a couple of months of use.


Use Room Deodorizers

These are essential because pets can leave foul smells as they go about their business. These ensure your home has fresh air. Allow fresh air in your home.